About The Author: Suzy Ross, Ph.D.
For the past 20 years as a therapist, consultant, professor, and facilitator of learning, personal growth, and healing, I have been helping others to traverse the challenging and dynamic path of transformation.
It was a path that seemingly chose me when over two decades ago I had a eye-opening experience while backpacking in the mountains of Colorado. I was casually hiking a plateau at about 12,000 feet when I unexpectedly experienced my interconnectedness with all that is.
This unexpected event was life-changing. It set me on a journey to find myself, discover truth, and to strive to live it. I read profusely and explored my psyche through retreats, seminars, and trainings at home and abroad. About 10 years after my quest began; I sensed that I must do something that would change me deeply. The answer, I felt, was to study transformation at a more rigorous level. I did so, earning a Ph.D.
The Map to Wholeness is the culmination of all of this work, professionally and personally, including my doctoral research complemented by years intensive interviews with people I met and analyzed along the way.
While there is always more to learn, living the process with the Map in hand certainly provides clarity about how you, I, and everyone else are transforming—right now—through everyday life.
Please click on the Quiz to discover your current phase of transformation.
Use the Interactive Tour to discover more about your phase of transformation. Learn how ordinary and extraordinary incidents of your life follow a predictable path toward your becoming whole.